Apache OFBiz

A common architecture that enables the creation of custom features.

Apache OFBiz

Apache OFBiz, which stands for “Open for Business”, is an open source enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. It provides a suite of enterprise applications that can integrate and automating many of the business processes of an enterprise.

OFBiz has demonstrated its robustness and dependability as an enterprise-wide ERP solution by building on a common architecture using common data, logic and process components. The loosely coupled nature of the applications makes these components easy to understand, extensible and customizable.

Why OFBiz?

An Apache top level project for 10 years, OFBiz packs several unique features that sets it apart from its competitors:


Product and Catalog management

Promotion & Pricing management

Order Management (Sales & Purchase)

Customer Management

Warehouse Management

Supply Chain Fulfillment (Auto Stock Moves, Batched Pick, Pack & Ship)

Accounting (Invoice, Payment & Billing accounts, Fixed Assets)

Manufacturing Management

Case Study

Enterprise Resource Planning
Learn how Solveda enhances business process automation for ALP Microsystems WEBOE to bring Real-Time Visibility, Accessibility, Reports, and Control over Inventory Management and Order Management processes.